STAC Endpoints

The base URL of the STAC catalog is and below are various endpoints


Return list of all Collections


Example : Command Line | Postman | Python


Return specific Collection


This end point takes the collection id as parameter. Below are some examples

Sentinel-2 L1C
Landsat Collection 2 L1
Venus L2A
Response of the above requests is metadat about the collection

Example : Command Line | Postman | Python


Return paged Items ordered by datetime descending (It doesn’t support search parameters, so often /stac/v1/search is preferred instead)


This end point takes the collection id as parameter. Below are some examples

Landsat Collection 2 L1
Venus L2A

The response also contains a link to the next set of items

NextItems Example : Command Line | Postman


Returns a single Item for a given Collection and Item ID


Example : Command Line | Postman | Python


Returns the queryable names for the STAC API Item Search using Query Extension. which allows you to discover which properties are queryable for all collections, a specific collection, or an intersection of collections.

Below are the two ways to query the “queryable items“ for a given collection




Parameters: collectionId Matches against Item collectionId values

The queryables endpoint includes the datatype that must be used.

The queryables endpoint currently doesn’t provide information on supported operations for a given property/datatype. Supplying an unsupported field-value-operation combination will result in an error 400 (Bad Request) being returned. Example: a contains operation is not supported on a string queryable.

  • Get queryable properties that apply to all collections:

  • Get queryable fields that apply to collection sentinel-2-l2a:

  • Get queryable fields that apply to both collections sentinel-2-l1c and sentinel-2-l2a:,sentinel-2-l2a Example : Command Line | Postman

Implements STAC basic Item search functionality + extensions

! For performance, it is highly recommended that your search requests is constrained by a collections parameter. This may be enforced in future.


  • collections Matches against Item collection values (treated as OR causes)
  • ids Matches against Item id values (treated as OR causes)
  • datetime All dates must be in RFC 3339 format
    • Can be exact date match datetime=2023-05-14T18:50:42.000000Z
    • Can be from-to datetime=2023-01-01T18:50:42.000000Z/2023-02-01T18:50:42.000000Z
    • Can be from datetime=2023-01-01T18:50:42.000000Z..
    • Can be to datetime=..2023-01-01T18:50:42.000000Z
  • bbox Matches against intersecting Item bbox values
  • intersects (GeoJSON) Matches against intersecting Item geometry values (supported on POST method only)
  • limit number of records to be returned

Basic Search via GET Method

Shows use of datetime, collections and bbox,51.971346,-0.065918,52.589701&collections=sentinel-2-l1c,sentinel-2-l2a

Basic Search via POST Method

Shows use of datetime, collections and intersects, query remains same as GET,51.971346,-0.065918,52.589701&collections=sentinel-2-l1c,sentinel-2-l2a

Example : Command Line | Postman | Python

Query Extension via POST Method

EarthPlatform STAC API supports the Query Extension. It currently does not support the Filter Extension.

Advanced searching can be performed using a query object. This allows searching over supported properties on STAC items using various operators.

When searching across 1 or more Collections, and a field is specified which is not supported, no items will be returned for that Collection.

To discover which fields are queryable on each Collection, see Queryables.

Query Extension syntax:

    "query": {
        "<QUERYABLE_PROPERTY_1>": {
            "OPERATOR_1": "VALUE",
            "OPERATOR_2": "VALUE"
        "<QUERYABLE_PROPERTY_2>": {
            "OPERATOR": "VALUE"

Query Extension example:

    "query": {
        "view:sun_elevation": {
            "gt": 40,
            "lt": 60
        "eo:cloud_cover": {
            "lt": 10

Each property and each operation is treated as an AND cause

So the above would result in a query of

view:sun_elevation > 40 AND view:sun_elevation < 60 AND eo:cloud_cover < 10

Example : Command Line | Postman | | Python

Fields Extension

The Fields Extension allows you to specify which fields are returned from the API, reducing data transfer size.

Use of Fields Extension allows returning items in a potentially non-STAC compliant format. This can cause exceptions in PySTAC Client.

Usage Examples

  1. Specifying fields to include

    Retrieve only the id, properties.datetime, and assets.aot fields from the search endpoint:

  1. Specifying fields to exclude

    Request data while excluding the links and geometry fields from the search endpoint:


Example : Command Line | Postman | Python

Sortby Extension

By default, Items are returned by datetime descending. Then by id ascending.

Sorting by property eo:cloud_cover is also supported on the /search endpoint:

Note: When sorting by eo:cloud_cover, only items with non-null eo:cloud_cover property values will be returned.

GET examples:

Sortby eo:cloud_cover ascending:


Sortby eo:cloud_cover descending:


Example : Command Line | Postman | Python

Downloading Assets

STAC assets property provides hrefs that point to the files hosted on different platforms, depending on the data provider. Currently, these URLs may use either https:// or s3:// protocols.

  • We are transitioning to a more consistent href format that predominantly uses s3://.

Accessing Alternate URLs

For assets hosted on S3 but accessible via HTTP, you can find an HTTPS version listed as an alternate asset with the key download_url.

For private and requester-pays S3 assets, and Azure Blob assets, we offer presigned URLs, which ensure secure and temporary access:

Default Behavior: Presigned URLs are automatically included for single item requests (/items/{item_id}) but not for searches (/search or /items) due to performance considerations. Customization: You can request presigned URLs in search responses by using the X-Signed-Asset-Urls header set to true. Note that using a high limit parameter during search queries along with a large number of assets might increase response times significantly.

Usage Notes

Presigned URLs are available for all assets in EDA buckets across all customer accounts. For third-party buckets, such as s3://sentinel-s2-l1c, the availability of presigned URLs depends on specific account setups. These URLs are valid for 12 hours, after which they expire.

Please ensure to manage the generation of presigned URLs carefully to optimize performance and avoid excessive latency in your application.

Example : Command Line | Postman

Cloud Mask Query

You can use the POST method to retrieve EarthDaily cloud masks as well.

Example : Command Line | Postman | Python

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