View EDA Extension Specification

This document explains the EDA Extension to the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) specification.

EDA Extension adds metadata related to EDA specific details like ImagerMode, Sensor Type, Water Cover, Radiometric Scaling, Geometric Accuracy RMSE etc that affect the view of resulting data. It will often be combined with other extensions that describe the actual data, such as the eo, proj or sat extensions.


The fields in the table below can be used in these parts of STAC documents:

  • [] Catalogs
  • Collections
  • Items
  • [] Assets (for both Collections and Items, incl. Item Asset Definitions in Collections)
  • [] Links

Below is the list of public fields available via API

Field NameTypeDescription
eda:order_line_item_idStringSpecifies the order line item id within EarthPipeline
eda:source_l0_idsList of StringsArchive IDs of the source level-0 datasets
eda:source_l0_scene_idsList of StringsScene IDs of the source Level-0 datasets
eda:segment_idStringDataset identifier for the acquisition used to generate the product <Datetime>_<Sensor><SID><Cat>
eda:imager_modeStringNon-experimental modes are: “TDI_LAND”, “TDI_MARITIME”, “TDI_GLOBAL”, “PUSH_FRAME_GLOBAL” Only provided for the Catalogue products
eda:image_section_counterNumberImage section counter. Only provided for the Catalogue products
eda:geometric_accuracy_rmseNumberRadial RMSE, in meters. Only provided for the following products: L1C VNIR Land TOA, VNIR RGB Visually Enhanced, VNIR NRG Visually Enhanced, L1C SWIR Land TOA, L1C LWIR Brightness Temperature, L1C MWIR Brightness Temperature, L2A VNIR Basic Land BOA, L2A VNIR Advanced Land BOA, L2A SWIR Land BOA, L2A LWIR Land Surface Temperature
eda:sensor_typeStringThe sensor type right now is “OPTICAL” but we might have different values depending on product type like Methane or thermal products
eda:product_typeStringOnly available for the “GOES” collection
eda:water_coverNumberEstimate of water cover, in %
eda:derived_from_item_idStringL2 item that was used for the creation of the L2 derived products
eda:derived_from_collection_idStringL2 collection that was used for the creation of the L2 derived products
eda:ag_cloud_mask_availableBooleanSpecifies whether EDAgro cloud mask is available or not
eda:ag_cloud_mask_item_idStringEDAgro Cloud Mask item id available for this item
eda:ag_cloud_mask_collection_idStringEDAgro Cloud Mask collection id available for this item
eda:cloud_mask_availableBooleanSpecifies whether EDA cloud mask is available or not
eda:cloud_mask_item_idStringEDA Cloud Mask item id available for this item
eda:cloud_mask_collection_idStringEDA Cloud Mask collection id available for this item
eda:area_km2NumberMosaic - the approximate area in km^2 of the valid region of the mosaic
eda:orbit_numberStringThe satellite orbit
eda:pixel_composite_methodStringPixel Composite Method used for Mosaics

Below are some of the private fields being available

Note The private fields are available to “Admin users” and “All Users of Customer account with Super Tier”

Field NameTypeDescription
eda:statusStringStatus of the product. Can take one of the following values - Created, Published,Unpublished
eda:geometry_tagsList of StringsThis field is populated when we modify the STAC items from third party data
eda:tagsList of StringsGeneral EDA tags
eda:original_geometryObjectWe preserve the original geometry when we modify the geometry tags of third party STAC items
eda:tracking_idStringUsed by Pastfinder for tracking all items related to an order
eda:account_idStringUser account id info (Customer Account Id) used for authorization and product delivery
eda:processor_versionStringVersion of the processing system used to generate this product
eda:loose_validation_statusStringValidation status of third party stac items because even if its not valid, we would store it and display it as well (queryable)
eda:band_to_band_accuracy_rmseList of ObjectsThe band-to-band accuracy, in pixels. Only provided for the following products: L1C VNIR Land TOA, VNIR RGB Visually Enhanced, VNIR NRG Visually Enhanced, L1C SWIR Land TOA, L1C LWIR Brightness Temperature, L2A VNIR Basic Land BOA, L2A VNIR Advanced Land BOA, L2A SWIR Land BOA, L2A LWIR Land Surface Temperature
eda:source_createdStringIf we ingest third party item, we keep a track of when it was created in our system but we also maintain history of the actual item created. This is when third party created it
eda:source_updatedStringIf we ingest third party item, we keep a track of when it was updated in our system but we also maintain history of the actual item updated. This is when third party updated it
eda:unusable_coverNumberEstimate of unusable cover. Only for Land products. Unusable cover includes at least cloud and water.
eda:derived_from_l1c_item_idStringWhich L1c item was used for the creation of the L1 derived products
eda:derived_from_l1c_collection_idStringWhich L1c collection was used for the creation of the L1 derived collection
eda:altitudeNumberAltitude of the image capture location. Altitude at the center of the product
eda:bearingNumberSatellite ground track bearing
eda:start_attitudeList of NumbersSatellite attitude at the start of the acquisition (Degrees RPY )
eda:end_attitudeList of NumbersSatellite attitude at the end of the acquisition (Degrees RPY )
eda:mean_attitudeList of NumbersMean satellite attitude (Degrees RPY )
eda:mtf_enhancement_appliedBooleanIndicates whether MTF enhancement was applied
eda:product_statusNumberMosaic Product Status - Pending Validation, Valid, Deprecated . Obsolete
eda:auxiliary_atmospheric_sourcesObjectAuxiliary atmospheric retrieval sources that were used for BOA generation (empty if none were used) Only applicable and included for L2A VNIR Basic Land BOA and L2A VNIR Advanced Land BOA products. e.g. { “aerosol”: “MODIS”, “water_vapour”: “ECMWF observation”}
eda:basemapStringThe geometric reference used for any geometric corrections applied to the imagery (Mosaic)
eda:download_bundle_statusNumberWhether the download bundle asset is available or in progress. If this tag is absent, then the download bundle asset is not available for that item.
eda:aocs_modeStringAOCS Mode - One of “Nadir”, “DEM”, “Side Slither”. Only provided for the Catalogue
eda:cloud_detect_methodStringAlgorithm used in cloud detection