Table of Contents

AI Ready Mosaic Creation Parameters

EDA’s AI-Ready Mosaics (ARMs) are produced using proprietary algorithms to create cloud free, temporally coherent images ready for machine learning algorithms or mapping activities. The customization of sources, location, time, and method allow for a mosaic suited for specific analysis purpose being conducted.

ARM mosaics are produced with 6 bands from the four possible input sources:

  • Sentinel-2A,
  • Sentinel-2B,
  • Landsat-8, and
  • Landsat-9

All input data is level 2A meaning atmospherically corrected, surface reflectance products.

Single Source (Sentinel-2A/B) Mosaics

ARM Band NameSentinel-2 A/B BandApproximate Center Wavelength (μm)
coastalBand 1 - Coastal0.443
blueBand 2 - Blue0.490
greenBand 3 - Green0.560
redBand 4 - Red0.665
rededge1Band 5 - Vegetation Red Edge0.705
rededge2Band 6 - Vegetation Red Edge0.740
rededge3Band 7 - Vegetation Red Edge0.783
nirBand 8 - NIR0.842
nir08Band 8A - NIR0.865
swir16Band 11 - SWIR1.610
swir22Band 12 - SWIR2.190

Dual Source (Sentinel-2A/B + Landsat8/9) Mosaics

ARM Band NameSentinel-2 A/B BandLandsat 8/9 BandApproximate Center Wavelength (μm)
coastalBand 1 - CoastalBand 1 - Coastal0.443
blueBand 2 - BlueBand 2 - Blue0.490
greenBand 3 - GreenBand 3 - Green0.560
redBand 4 - RedBand 4 - Red0.665
nir08Band 8A - NIRBand 5 - NIR0.865
swir16Band 11 - SWIRBand 6 - SWIR 11.610
swir22Band 12 - SWIRBand 7 - SWIR 22.190

Area of Interest (AOI)

Defines the geographic extent used to build the mosaic and is a key component for mosaic generation price.

Time of Interest (TOI)

The time of interest will dictate the amount of available data the mosaic system can draw from. Limiting the TOI can deliver poor results if there is no cloud-free data within the specific AOI and TOI.

Mosaic Settings

Resolution Selection

Preview Mosaic

The preview mosaic is used to ensure the combination of data source, AOI, and TOI is going to be viable for a given mosaic region. It will allow you to see the expected output of a Full Resolution mosaic in a fraction of the time it would take to generate the Full Resolution mosaic. While the Preview doesn’t have apply all the improvements of the Full Resolution (geometric, radiometric correction, aerosol-optical thickness weighting, or deep-learning cloud masks), it can still be used to get a sense of the expected cloud cover and visual consistency of the Full Resolution mosaic.

Once the parameters are to your liking a full resolution mosaic can be produced with the same settings.

Full Resolution

This is the setting to use for a full mosaic product. Note this will have a price associated with it and may still produce clouds if the settings for input data are too narrow. It is advised you preview any mosaic first in order to ensure usability.

Pixel Selection

Best Measurement

ARM’s ‘Best Measurment’ extends work by White et. al (2014) and include pixel-by-pixel weighting for several factors such as: sensor platform, scene content (clear, cloud, cloud shadow, water, snow), spatial distancing from measurement contamination, and aerosol optical thickness. This algorithm can produce highly consistent results where the goal is to just choose the most representative sample for a given time period.

Peak Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (Coming Soon)

ARM’s ‘Peak NDVI’ seeks to maximize the vegetative signals from the mosaic process, targeting conditions with the most vigorous vegetation signal.

Peak Burn Severity (Coming Soon)

ARM’s ‘Peak Burn Severity’ seeks to maximize the response from burned pixels in order to map fire extent and degree of burn over large vegetated regions. To achieve peak burn severity, the Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) is used to inform the pixel selection process. This mode can be sensitive to date selection and should be informed by knowledge of the local fire conditions and timing.


ARM’s Percentile selection uses a purely statistical approach to identify common pixels from the stack of images, this approach can be very effective with larger volumes of data, from time ranges. This is a classical approach to pixel selection, but generally has poorer results compared to Best Measurement.


Select if your mosaic will be made using only Sentinel-2A/B or the combination of Sentinel-2A/B and Landsat-8/9.


White, J. C., Wulder, M. A., Hobart, G. W., Luther, J. E., Hermosilla, T., Griffiths, P., Coops, N. C., Hall, R. J., Hostert, P., Dyk, A., & Guindon, L. (2014). Pixel-Based Image Compositing for Large-Area Dense Time Series Applications and Science. In Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing (Vol. 40, Issue 3, pp. 192–212). Informa UK Limited.