Customer-Deployed Foundational Technical Review

This is the summary of the Analytics Processor FTR for ECSreview based on AWS guidelines


Req code

Requirement description



Introductory material must contain use cases for the software.

This is covered in the Analytics Datacube processor section.


Introductory material contains an overview of a typical customer deployment, including lists of all resources that are set up when the deployment is complete.

This is covered in the Analytics Datacube processor section on the architecture diagram.


Introductory material contains a description of all deployment options discussed in the user guide (e.g. single-AZ, multi-AZ or multi-region), if applicable.

There is only one deployment method documented at this point. Please let us know if you need support to create new deployment pipelines.


Introductory material contains the expected amount of time to complete the deployment.

Code packaging and publication to ECS is usually completed in less than 5 min. More info available in the ECS deployment section


Introductory material contains the regions supported.

There is no limitation on region supported for this service.

Pre requisites and requirements

Req code

Requirement description



All technical prerequisites and requirements to complete the deployment process are listed (e.g. required OS, database type and storage requirements).

This is covered in the Prerequisites section.


The deployment guide lists all prerequisite skills or specialized knowledge (for example, familiarity with AWS, specific AWS services, or a scripting or programming language).

This is covered in the Prerequisites section.


The deployment guide lists the environment configuration that is needed for the deployment (e.g. an AWS account, a specific operating system, licensing, DNS).

This is covered in the Prerequisites section.

Architecture diagrams

Req code

Requirement description



Architecture diagrams must include all AWS services and resources deployed by the solution and illustrate how the services and resources connect with each other in a typical customer environment.

This is covered in the Analytics Datacube processor section


Architecture diagrams use official AWS Architecture Icons.

Analytics Datacube processor section includes a diagram with official AWS Icon coming from here


Network diagrams demonstrate virtual private clouds (VPCs) and subnets.

Analytics Datacube processor section includes a diagram with VPC


Architecture diagrams show integration points, including third-party assets/APIs and on-premises/hybrid assets.

Analytics Datacube processor section includes a diagram with link to EarthPlatform (third party data infrastructure running on AWS)


Req code

Requirement description



The application does not require the use of AWS account root privileges for deployment or operation.

As detailed in the prerequisites section, access to AWS ressoures is based on OIDC with specific role and specific trust relationship.


The deployment guide provides prescriptive guidance on following the policy of least privilege for all access granted as part of the deployment.

As defined in the provisioning section, deployment and execution is based on a specific role enforcing the least privilege principle.


The deployment guide clearly documents any public resources (e.g. Amazon S3 buckets with bucket policies allowing public access).

The deployment guide is not using public resources.


The deployment guide describes the purpose of each AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role and IAM policy the user is instructed to create.

The deployment guide includes a specific chapter on IAM configuration and OIDC setup.


The deployment guide provides clear instruction on maintaining any stored secrets such as database credentials stored in AWS Secrets Manager.

The deployment guide is not leveraging AWS Secrets Manager, but Github repository secrets as detailed here.


The deployment guide includes details on where customer sensitive data are stored

The deployment guide is enforcing AWS security guideline for Gitaction deployments and is only leveraging private resources,


The deployment guide must explain all data encryption configuration (for example. Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) server-side encryption, Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) encryption, and Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS))

Asset published by the Analytics datacube processor are not encrypted. The non sensitive nature of the data (pixel from satellite images) does not require to leverage encryption


For deployments involving more than a single element, include network configuration (for example, VPCs, subnets, security groups, network access control lists (network ACLs), and route tables) in the deployment guide.

The proposed service is a single container deployment. The only specific VPC configuration is detailed in the


The solution must support the ability for the customer to disable Instance Metadata Service Version 1 (IMDSv1).

AWS Fargate does not offer direct control over the Instance Metadata Service (IMDS). To mitigate risk linked with IMDS we are using the least privilege principle with a specific role for task execution and specific security group and VPC to control network access to Fargate tasks.


Req code

Requirement description



The deployment guide includes a list of billable services and guidance on whether each service is mandatory or optional.

This is detailed in the lifecycle management sections.


The deployment guide includes the cost model and licensing costs.

This is detailed in the lifecycle management sections.


Req code

Requirement description



Either provide scripts to provision required resources or provide guidance for type and size selection for resources.

The deployment guide includes step by step procedure to provision AWS resources and a script to automatically deploy assets to AWS

Deployment assets

Req code

Requirement description



The deployment guide provides step-by-step instructions for deploying the workload on AWS according to the typical deployment architecture.

The deployment guide includes step by step procedure to provision AWS resources and a script to automatically deploy assets to AWS


The deployment guide contains prescriptive guidance for testing and troubleshooting.

The deployment guide contains a user guide section.

Health Check

Req code

Requirement description



The deployment guide provides step-by-step instructions for how to assess and monitor the health and proper function of the application.

This is detailed in the lifecycle management section.

Back up and recovery

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Requirement description



Identify the data stores and the configurations to be backed up. If any of the data stores are proprietary, provide step-by-step instructions for backup and recovery.

This is detailed in the lifecycle management section.

Routine Maintenance

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Requirement description



The deployment guide provides step-by-step instructions for rotating programmatic system credentials and cryptographic keys.

Deployment pipeline is using OIDC with short term tokens. Regarding EarthPlatform authentication we are using OAuth 2.0 with short term tokens. Credentials will be updated based on EarthPlatform security guidelines.


The deployment guide provides prescriptive guidance for software patches and upgrades.

Processor update will be delivered on the public GitHub repo. It is strongly recommended for customers to run regression testing before deploying this release.


The deployment guide provides prescriptive guidance on managing licenses.

Users need to comply with EarthDaily EULA and services quotas on data access based on service agreement executed between parties.


The deployment guide provides prescriptive guidance on managing AWS service limits.

 This is detailed in the lifecycle management section.

Emergency Maintenance

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Requirement description



The deployment guide provides step-by-step instructions on handling fault conditions.

This is detailed lifecycle management section.


The deployment guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to recover the software.

This is detailed lifecycle management section.


Req code

Requirement description



The deployment guide provides details on how to receive support.

User support is described here


The deployment guide provides details on technical support tiers.

Processor update will be delivered on the public GitHub repo. It is strongly recommended for customers to run regression testing before deploying this release.


The deployment guide provides prescriptive guidance on managing licenses.

Users need to comply with EarthDaily EULA and services quotas on data access based on service agreement executed between parties.