Compare Sentinel-2 scale/offset evolution during time

Using SCL data from L2A

Import librairies

import geopandas as gpd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from earthdaily import EarthDataStore, datasets

Load plot

# load geojson
pivot = datasets.load_pivot()

Init earthdatastore with environment variables or default credentials

eds = EarthDataStore()

Search for collection items

def get_cube(rescale=True):
    pivot_cube = eds.datacube(
        datetime=["2022-01-01", "2022-03-10"],
        assets=["red", "green", "blue"],
        mask_with="native",  # same as scl
        clear_cover=50,  # at least 50% of the polygon must be clear
    return pivot_cube

Get cube with rescale (*0.0001)

pivot_cube = get_cube(rescale=False) * 0.0001

Plots cube with SCL with at least 50% of clear data

time = 2022-01-07, time = 2022-01-09, time = 2022-01-22, time = 2022-01-27, time = 2022-01-29, time = 2022-02-03, time = 2022-02-11, time = 2022-02-16, time = 2022-02-18, time = 2022-02-26, time = 2022-02-28, time = 2022-03-03, time = 2022-03-08

Get cube with automatic rescale (default option)

pivot_cube = get_cube()
spatial_ref = 0

Plots cube with SCL with at least 50% of clear data

time = 2022-01-07, time = 2022-01-09, time = 2022-01-22, time = 2022-01-29, time = 2022-02-03, time = 2022-02-11, time = 2022-02-16, time = 2022-02-18, time = 2022-02-26, time = 2022-02-28, time = 2022-03-03, time = 2022-03-08

Total running time of the script: (1 minutes 29.830 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery