- class earthdaily.earthdatastore.Auth(config=None, presign_urls=True, asset_proxy_enabled=False)[source]
A client for interacting with the Earth Data Store API. By default, Earth Data Store will look for environment variables called EDS_AUTH_URL, EDS_SECRET and EDS_CLIENT_ID.
- Parameters:
config (str | dict, optional) – The path to the json file containing the Earth Data Store credentials, or a dict with those credentials.
asset_proxy_enabled (bool, optional) – Use asset proxy URLs, by default False
- Return type:
>>> eds = earthdaily.earthdatastore() >>> collection = "venus-l2a" >>> theia_location = "MEAD" >>> max_cloud_cover = 20 >>> query = { "theia:location": {"eq": theia_location}, "eo:cloud_cover": {"lt": max_cloud_cover} } >>> items =, query=query) >>> print(len(items)) 132
Create a datacube.
Explore a collection, its properties and assets.
Search the catalog for the ag_cloud_mask items matching the given items_collection.
Secondary Constructor. Try to read Earth Data Store credentials from multiple sources, in the following order: - from input credentials stored in a given JSON file - from input credentials stored in a given TOML file - from environement variables - from the $HOME/.earthdaily/credentials TOML file and a given profile - from the $HOME/.earthdaily/credentials TOML file and the "default" profile.
Retrieve an access token for interacting with the EarthDataStore API.
Try to read Earth Data Store credentials from multiple sources, in the following order:
Read Earth Data Store credentials from environment variables.
Read Earth Data Store credentials from a ini file.
Read Earth Data Store credentials from a JSON file.
Read Earth Data Store credentials from a TOML file
A wrapper around the pystac client search method.
Create an instance of pystac client from EarthDataSTore
- property client: Client
Create an instance of pystac client from EarthDataSTore
- Return type:
instance for this Catalog.
- datacube(collections, datetime=None, assets=None, intersects=None, bbox=None, mask_with=None, mask_statistics=False, clear_cover=None, prefer_alternate='download', search_kwargs={}, add_default_scale_factor=True, common_band_names=True, cross_calibration_collection=None, properties=False, groupby_date='mean', cloud_search_kwargs={}, **kwargs)[source]
Create a datacube.
- Parameters:
collections (str | list) – If several collections, the first collection will be the reference collection (for spatial resolution).
datetime (Either a single datetime or datetime range used to filter results.) –
You may express a single datetime using a
instance, a RFC 3339-compliant timestamp, or a simple date string (see below). Instances ofdatetime.datetime
may be either timezone aware or unaware. Timezone aware instances will be converted to a UTC timestamp before being passed to the endpoint. Timezone unaware instances are assumed to represent UTC timestamps. You may represent a datetime range using a"/"
separated string as described in the spec, or a list, tuple, or iterator of 2 timestamps or datetime instances. For open-ended ranges, use either".."
,['2020-01-01:00:00:00Z', '..']
) or a value ofNone
(['2020-01-01:00:00:00Z', None]
).If using a simple date string, the datetime can be specified in
format, optionally truncating toYYYY-mm
or justYYYY
. Simple date strings will be expanded to include the entire time period, for example:2017
expands to2017-01-01T00:00:00Z/2017-12-31T23:59:59Z
expands to2017-06-01T00:00:00Z/2017-06-30T23:59:59Z
expands to2017-06-10T00:00:00Z/2017-06-10T23:59:59Z
If used in a range, the end of the range expands to the end of that day/month/year, for example:
expands to2017-01-01T00:00:00Z/2018-12-31T23:59:59Z
expands to2017-06-01T00:00:00Z/2017-07-31T23:59:59Z
expands to2017-06-10T00:00:00Z/2017-06-11T23:59:59Z
assets (None | list | dict, optional) – DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
intersects ((gpd.GeoDataFrame, str(wkt), dict(json)), optional) – DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
bbox (TYPE, optional) – DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
mask_with ((None, str, list), optional) – “native” mask, or “ag_cloud_mask”, or [“ag_cloud_mask”,”native”], and so if ag_cloud_mask is not available, will switch to native. The default is None.
mask_statistics (bool | int, optional) – DESCRIPTION. The default is False.
clear_cover ((int, float), optional) – Percent of clear data above a field (from 0 to 100). The default is None.
prefer_alternate ((str, False), optional) – Uses the alternate/download href instead of the default href. The default is “download”.
search_kwargs (dict, optional) – DESCRIPTION. The default is {}.
add_default_scale_factor (bool, optional) – DESCRIPTION. The default is True.
common_band_names (TYPE, optional) – DESCRIPTION. The default is True.
cross_calibration_collection ((None | str), optional) – DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
properties ((bool | str | list), optional) – Retrieve properties per item. The default is False.
**kwargs (TYPE) –
- Raises:
- Returns:
- Return type:
- explore(collection=None)[source]
Explore a collection, its properties and assets. If not collection specified, returns the list of collections.
- Parameters:
collection (str, optional.) – Collection name. The default is None.
- Returns:
The list of collections, or a collection to explore using module StacCollectionExplorer.
- Return type:
>>> eds = earthdaily.earthdatastore() >>> collection = "venus-l2a" >>> eds.explore(collection).item_properties {'constellation': 'VENUS', 'created': '2023-06-14T00:14:10.167450Z', 'datetime': '2023-06-07T11:23:18.000000Z', 'description': '', 'eda:geometry_tags': ['RESOLVED_CLOCKWISE_POLYGON'], 'eda:loose_validation_status': 'VALID', 'eda:num_cols': 9106, 'eda:num_rows': 11001, 'eda:original_geometry': {'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [[[-16.684545516968, 16.109294891357], [-16.344039916992, 16.111709594727], [-16.341398239136, 15.714001655579], [-16.68123626709, 15.711649894714], [-16.684545516968, 16.109294891357]]]}, 'eda:product_type': 'REFLECTANCE', 'eda:sensor_type': 'OPTICAL', 'eda:source_created': '2023-06-13T18:47:27.000000Z', 'eda:source_updated': '2023-06-13T20:22:35.000000Z', 'eda:status': 'PUBLISHED', 'eda:tracking_id': 'MutZbYe54RY7eP3iuAbtKb', 'eda:unusable_cover': 0.0, 'eda:water_cover': 0.0, 'end_datetime': '2023-06-07T11:23:18.000000Z', 'eo:bands': [{'name': 'B1', 'common_name': 'coastal', 'description': 'B1', 'center_wavelength': 0.424}, {'name': 'B2', 'common_name': 'coastal', 'description': 'B2', 'center_wavelength': 0.447}, {'name': 'B3', 'common_name': 'blue', 'description': 'B3', 'center_wavelength': 0.492}, {'name': 'B4', 'common_name': 'green', 'description': 'B4', 'center_wavelength': 0.555}, {'name': 'B5', 'common_name': 'yellow', 'description': 'B5', 'center_wavelength': 0.62}, {'name': 'B6', 'common_name': 'yellow', 'description': 'B6', 'center_wavelength': 0.62}, {'name': 'B7', 'common_name': 'red', 'description': 'B7', 'center_wavelength': 0.666}, {'name': 'B8', 'common_name': 'rededge', 'description': 'B8', 'center_wavelength': 0.702}, {'name': 'B9', 'common_name': 'rededge', 'description': 'B9', 'center_wavelength': 0.741}, {'name': 'B10', 'common_name': 'rededge', 'description': 'B10', 'center_wavelength': 0.782}, {'name': 'B11', 'common_name': 'nir08', 'description': 'B11', 'center_wavelength': 0.861}, {'name': 'B12', 'common_name': 'nir09', 'description': 'B12', 'center_wavelength': 0.909}], 'eo:cloud_cover': 0.0, 'gsd': 4.0, 'instruments': ['VENUS'], 'license': 'CC-BY-NC-4.0', 'mission': 'venus', 'platform': 'VENUS', 'processing:level': 'L2A', 'proj:epsg': 32628, 'providers': [{'name': 'Theia', 'roles': ['licensor', 'producer', 'processor']}, {'url': '', 'name': 'EarthDaily Analytics', 'roles': ['processor', 'host']}], 'sat:absolute_orbit': 31453, 'start_datetime': '2023-06-07T11:23:18.000000Z', 'theia:location': 'STLOUIS', 'theia:product_id': 'VENUS-XS_20230607-112318-000_L2A_STLOUIS_C_V3-1', 'theia:product_version': '3.1', 'theia:publication_date': '2023-06-13T18:08:10.205000Z', 'theia:sensor_mode': 'XS', 'theia:source_uuid': 'a29bfc89-8372-5e91-841c-b11cdb40bb14', 'title': 'VENUS-XS_20230607-112318-000_L2A_STLOUIS_D', 'updated': '2023-06-14T00:42:17.898993Z', 'view:azimuth': 33.293623499999995, 'view:incidence_angle': 14.6423245, 'view:sun_azimuth': 69.8849963957, 'view:sun_elevation': 65.0159541684}
- find_cloud_mask_items(items_collection, cloudmask='ag_cloud_mask', **kwargs)[source]
Search the catalog for the ag_cloud_mask items matching the given items_collection. The ag_cloud_mask items are searched in the ag_cloud_mask_collection_id collection using the ag_cloud_mask_item_id properties of the items.
- Parameters:
items_collection (pystac.ItemCollection) – The items to find corresponding ag cloud mask items for.
- Returns:
The filtered item collection.
- Return type:
- classmethod from_credentials(json_path=None, toml_path=None, profile=None, presign_urls=True, asset_proxy_enabled=False)[source]
Secondary Constructor. Try to read Earth Data Store credentials from multiple sources, in the following order:
from input credentials stored in a given JSON file
from input credentials stored in a given TOML file
from environement variables
from the $HOME/.earthdaily/credentials TOML file and a given profile
from the $HOME/.earthdaily/credentials TOML file and the “default” profile
- Parameters:
path (Path, optional) – The path to the TOML file containing the Earth Data Store credentials. Uses “$HOME/.earthdaily/credentials” by default.
profile (profile, optional) – Name of the profile to use in the TOML file. Uses “default” by default.
asset_proxy_enabled (bool, optional) – Use asset proxy URLs, by default False
- Returns:
instance- Return type:
- get_access_token(config=None)[source]
Retrieve an access token for interacting with the EarthDataStore API.
By default, the method will look for environment variables: EDS_AUTH_URL, EDS_SECRET, and EDS_CLIENT_ID. Alternatively, a configuration object or dictionary can be passed to override these values.
- Parameters:
config (EarthDataStoreConfig, optional) – A configuration object containing the Earth Data Store credentials.
- Returns:
The access token for authenticating with the Earth Data Store API.
- Return type:
- classmethod read_credentials(json_path=None, toml_path=None, profile=None)[source]
- Try to read Earth Data Store credentials from multiple sources, in the following order:
from input credentials stored in a given JSON file
from input credentials stored in a given TOML file
from environement variables
from the $HOME/.earthdaily/credentials TOML file and a given profile
from the $HOME/.earthdaily/credentials TOML file and the “default” profile
- Parameters:
path (Path, optional) – The path to the TOML file containing the Earth Data Store credentials. Uses “$HOME/.earthdaily/credentials” by default.
profile (profile, optional) – Name of the profile to use in the TOML file. Uses “default” by default.
- Returns:
Dictionary containing credentials
- Return type:
- classmethod read_credentials_from_environment()[source]
Read Earth Data Store credentials from environment variables.
- Returns:
Dictionary containing credentials
- Return type:
- classmethod read_credentials_from_ini(profile='default')[source]
Read Earth Data Store credentials from a ini file.
- Parameters:
ini_path (Path) – The path to the INI file containing the Earth Data Store credentials.
- Returns:
Dictionary containing credentials
- Return type:
- classmethod read_credentials_from_json(json_path)[source]
Read Earth Data Store credentials from a JSON file.
- Parameters:
json_path (Path) – The path to the JSON file containing the Earth Data Store credentials.
- Returns:
Dictionary containing credentials
- Return type:
- classmethod read_credentials_from_toml(toml_path=None, profile=None)[source]
Read Earth Data Store credentials from a TOML file
- Parameters:
toml_path (Path, optional) – The path to the TOML file containing the Earth Data Store credentials.
profile (profile, optional) – Name of the profile to use in the TOML file
- Returns:
Dictionary containing credentials
- Return type:
- search(collections, intersects=None, bbox=None, post_query=None, prefer_alternate=None, add_default_scale_factor=False, assets=None, raise_no_items=True, batch_days='auto', n_jobs=-1, deduplicate_items=True, **kwargs)[source]
A wrapper around the pystac client search method. Add some features to enhance experience.
- Parameters:
collections (str | list) – Collection(s) to search. It is recommended to only search one collection at a time.
intersects (gpd.GeoDataFrame, optional) – If provided, the results will contain only intersecting items. The default is None.
bbox (TYPE, optional) – If provided, the results will contain only intersecting items. The default is None.
post_query (TYPE, optional) – STAC-like filters applied on retrieved items. The default is None.
prefer_alternate (TYPE, optional) – Prefer alternate links when available. The default is None.
**kwargs (TYPE) – Keyword arguments passed to the pystac client search method.
- Returns:
items_collection – The filtered STAC items.
- Return type:
>>> items ='sentinel-2-l2a',bbox=[1,43,1,43],datetime='2017') >>> len(items) 27 >>> print(items[0].id) S2A_31TCH_20170126_0_L2A >>> print(items[0].assets.keys()) dict_keys(['aot', 'nir', 'red', 'scl', 'wvp', 'blue', 'green', 'nir08', 'nir09', 'swir16', 'swir22', 'visual', 'aot-jp2', 'coastal', 'nir-jp2', 'red-jp2', 'scl-jp2', 'wvp-jp2', 'blue-jp2', 'rededge1', 'rededge2', 'rededge3', 'green-jp2', 'nir08-jp2', 'nir09-jp2', 'thumbnail', 'swir16-jp2', 'swir22-jp2', 'visual-jp2', 'coastal-jp2', 'rededge1-jp2', 'rededge2-jp2', 'rededge3-jp2', 'granule_metadata', 'tileinfo_metadata']) >>> print(items[0].properties) { "created": "2020-09-01T04:59:33.629000Z", "updated": "2022-11-08T13:08:57.661605Z", "platform": "sentinel-2a", "grid:code": "MGRS-31TCH", "proj:epsg": 32631, "instruments": ["msi"], "s2:sequence": "0", "constellation": "sentinel-2", "mgrs:utm_zone": 31, "s2:granule_id": "S2A_OPER_MSI_L2A_TL_SHIT_20190506T054613_A008342_T31TCH_N00.01", "eo:cloud_cover": 26.518754, "s2:datatake_id": "GS2A_20170126T105321_008342_N00.01", "s2:product_uri": "S2A_MSIL2A_20170126T105321_N0001_R051_T31TCH_20190506T054611.SAFE", "s2:datastrip_id": "S2A_OPER_MSI_L2A_DS_SHIT_20190506T054613_S20170126T105612_N00.01", "s2:product_type": "S2MSI2A", "mgrs:grid_square": "CH", "s2:datatake_type": "INS-NOBS", "view:sun_azimuth": 161.807489888479, "eda:geometry_tags": ["RESOLVED_CLOCKWISE_POLYGON"], "mgrs:latitude_band": "T", "s2:generation_time": "2019-05-06T05:46:11.879Z", "view:sun_elevation": 26.561907592092602, "earthsearch:s3_path": "s3://sentinel-cogs/sentinel-s2-l2a-cogs/31/T/CH/2017/1/S2A_31TCH_20170126_0_L2A", "processing:software": {"sentinel2-to-stac": "0.1.0"}, "s2:water_percentage": 0.697285, "eda:original_geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [0.5332306381710475, 43.32623760511659], [1.887065663431107, 43.347431265475954], [1.9046784554725638, 42.35884880571144], [0.5722310999779479, 42.3383710796791], [0.5332306381710475, 43.32623760511659], ] ], }, "earthsearch:payload_id": "roda-sentinel2/workflow-sentinel2-to-stac/80f56ba6349cf8e21c1424491f1589c2", "s2:processing_baseline": "00.01", "s2:snow_ice_percentage": 23.041981, "s2:vegetation_percentage": 15.52531, "s2:thin_cirrus_percentage": 0.563798, "s2:cloud_shadow_percentage": 4.039595, "s2:nodata_pixel_percentage": 0.000723, "s2:unclassified_percentage": 9.891956, "s2:dark_features_percentage": 15.112966, "s2:not_vegetated_percentage": 5.172154, "earthsearch:boa_offset_applied": False, "s2:degraded_msi_data_percentage": 0.0, "s2:high_proba_clouds_percentage": 18.044451, "s2:reflectance_conversion_factor": 1.03230935243016, "s2:medium_proba_clouds_percentage": 7.910506, "s2:saturated_defective_pixel_percentage": 0.0, "eda:tracking_id": "eZbRVxsbEGdWLKXDK2i9Ve", "eda:status": "PUBLISHED", "datetime": "2017-01-26T10:56:12.238000Z", "eda:loose_validation_status": "VALID", "eda:ag_cloud_mask_available": False, }