Source code for earthdaily.earthdatastore

import json
import logging
import operator
import os
import time
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import requests
import xarray as xr
from odc import stac
from pystac.item_collection import ItemCollection
from pystac_client import Client
from pystac_client.stac_api_io import StacApiIO
from urllib3 import Retry

from . import _scales_collections, cube_utils, mask
from .cube_utils import _datacubes, asset_mapper, datacube, metacube
from .parallel_search import NoItemsFoundError, parallel_search

__all__ = ["datacube", "metacube", "xr", "stac"]


[docs] @dataclass class EarthDataStoreConfig: auth_url: Optional[str] = None client_secret: Optional[str] = None client_id: Optional[str] = None eds_url: str = "" access_token: Optional[str] = None
[docs] def apply_single_condition( item_value, condition_op: str, condition_value: [any, list[any]] ) -> bool: """ Apply a single comparison condition to an item's property value. Parameters ---------- item_value : any The value of the property in the item. condition_op : str The comparison operator (e.g., 'lt', 'gt', 'eq'). condition_value : [any, list[any]] The value or list of values to compare against. Returns ------- bool True if the condition is met, False otherwise. """ # Ensure condition_value is always a list values = condition_value if isinstance(condition_value, list) else [condition_value] # Get the comparison function from the operator module op_func = operator.__dict__.get(condition_op) if not op_func: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported operator: {condition_op}") # Check if any value meets the condition return any(op_func(item_value, val) for val in values)
[docs] def validate_property_condition( item: any, property_name: str, conditions: dict[str, any] ) -> bool: """ Validate if an item meets all conditions for a specific property. Parameters ---------- item : any The STAC item to check. property_name : str The name of the property to validate. conditions : dict[str, any] Dictionary of conditions to apply to the property. Returns ------- bool True if all conditions are met, False otherwise. """ # Check if the property exists in the item if property_name not in return False # Check each condition for the property return all( apply_single_condition(, condition_op, condition_value ) for condition_op, condition_value in conditions.items() )
[docs] def filter_items(items: list[any], query: dict[str, dict[str, any]]) -> list[any]: """ Filter items based on a complex query dictionary. Parameters ---------- items : list[any] List of STAC items to filter. query : dict[str, dict[str, any]] Query filter with operations to apply to item properties. Returns ------- list[any] Filtered list of items matching the query. Examples -------- >>> query = { ... 'eo:cloud_cover': {'lt': [10], 'gt': [0]}, ... 'datetime': {'eq': '2023-01-01'} ... } >>> filtered_items = filter_items(catalog_items, query) """ return [ item for item in items if all( validate_property_condition(item, property_name, conditions) for property_name, conditions in query.items() ) ]
[docs] def post_query_items( items: list[any], query: dict[str, dict[str, any]] ) -> ItemCollection: """ Apply a query filter to items fetched from a STAC catalog and return an ItemCollection. Parameters ---------- items : list[any] List of STAC items to filter. query : dict[str, dict[str, any]] Query filter with operations to apply to item properties. Returns ------- ItemCollection Filtered collection of items matching the query. Examples -------- >>> query = { ... 'eo:cloud_cover': {'lt': [10], 'gt': [0]}, ... 'datetime': {'eq': '2023-01-01'} ... } >>> filtered_items = post_query_items(catalog_items, query) """ filtered_items = filter_items(items, query) return ItemCollection( filtered_items ) # Assuming ItemCollection is imported/defined elsewhere
def _select_last_common_occurrences(first, second): """ For each date in second dataset, select the last N occurrences of that date from first dataset, where N is the count of that date in second dataset. Parameters: first (xarray.Dataset): Source dataset second (xarray.Dataset): Dataset containing the dates to match and their counts Returns: xarray.Dataset: Subset of first dataset with selected time indices """ # Convert times to datetime64[ns] if they aren't already first_times = first.time.astype("datetime64[ns]") second_times = second.time.astype("datetime64[ns]") # Get unique dates and their counts from second dataset unique_dates, counts = np.unique(second_times.values, return_counts=True) # Initialize list to store selected indices selected_indices = [] # For each unique date in second for date, count in zip(unique_dates, counts): # Find all indices where this date appears in first date_indices = np.where(first_times == date)[0] # Take the last 'count' number of indices selected_indices.extend(date_indices[-count:]) # Sort indices to maintain temporal order (or reverse them if needed) selected_indices = sorted(selected_indices, reverse=True) # Select these indices from the first dataset return first.isel(time=selected_indices) def _cloud_path_to_http(cloud_path): """Convert a cloud path to HTTP URL. Parameters ---------- cloud_path : str Cloud path Returns ------- url : str HTTP URL """ endpoints = dict(s3="") cloud_provider = cloud_path.split("://")[0] container = cloud_path.split("/")[2] key = "/".join(cloud_path.split("/")[3:]) endpoint = endpoints.get(cloud_provider, None) if endpoint: url = f"https://{container}.{endpoint}/{key}" else: url = cloud_path return url
[docs] def enhance_assets( items: ItemCollection, alternate: str = "download", use_http_url: bool = False, add_default_scale_factor: bool = False, ) -> ItemCollection: """ Enhance STAC item assets with additional metadata and URL transformations. Parameters ---------- items : ItemCollection Collection of STAC items to enhance alternate : Optional[str], optional Alternate asset href to use, by default "download" use_http_url : bool, optional Convert cloud URLs to HTTP URLs, by default False add_default_scale_factor : bool, optional Add default scale, offset, nodata to raster bands, by default False Returns ------- ItemCollection Enhanced collection of STAC items """ if any((alternate, use_http_url, add_default_scale_factor)): for idx, item in enumerate(items): keys = list(item.assets.keys()) for asset in keys: # use the alternate href if it exists if alternate: href = ( item.assets[asset] .extra_fields.get("alternate", {}) .get(alternate, {}) .get("href") ) if href: items[idx].assets[asset].href = href # use HTTP URL instead of cloud path if use_http_url: href = item.assets[asset].to_dict().get("href", {}) if href: items[idx].assets[asset].href = _cloud_path_to_http(href) if add_default_scale_factor: scale_factor_collection = ( _scales_collections.scale_factor_collections.get( item.collection_id, [{}] ) ) for scales_collection in scale_factor_collection: if asset in scales_collection.get("assets", []): if ( "raster:bands" not in items[idx].assets[asset].extra_fields ): items[idx].assets[asset].extra_fields[ "raster:bands" ] = [{}] if ( not items[idx] .assets[asset] .extra_fields["raster:bands"][0] .get("scale") ): items[idx].assets[asset].extra_fields["raster:bands"][ 0 ]["scale"] = scales_collection["scale"] items[idx].assets[asset].extra_fields["raster:bands"][ 0 ]["offset"] = scales_collection["offset"] items[idx].assets[asset].extra_fields["raster:bands"][ 0 ]["nodata"] = scales_collection["nodata"] return items
[docs] class StacCollectionExplorer: """ A class to explore a STAC collection. Parameters ---------- client : Client A PySTAC client for interacting with the Earth Data Store STAC API. collection : str The name of the collection to explore. Returns ------- None """ def __init__(self, client, collection): self.client = client self.collection = collection self.client_collection = self.client.get_collection(self.collection) self.item = self.__first_item() = self.client_collection.to_dict() def __first_item(self): """Get the first item of the STAC collection as an overview of the items content. Returns ------- item : Item The first item of the collection. """ for item in self.client.get_collection(self.collection).get_items(): self.item = item break return self.item @property def item_properties(self): return {k:[k] for k in sorted(} def assets(self, asset_name=None): if asset_name: return self.asset_metadata(asset_name) return list(sorted(self.item.assets.keys())) def assets_metadata(self, asset_name=None): if asset_name: return self.asset_metadata(asset_name) return {k: self.asset_metadata(k) for k in self.assets()} def asset_metadata(self, asset_name): return self.item.assets[asset_name].to_dict() def __repr__(self): return f'Exploring collection "{self.collection}"'
[docs] class Auth: def __init__( self, config: str | dict = None, presign_urls=True, asset_proxy_enabled=False ): """ A client for interacting with the Earth Data Store API. By default, Earth Data Store will look for environment variables called EDS_AUTH_URL, EDS_SECRET and EDS_CLIENT_ID. Parameters ---------- config : str | dict, optional The path to the json file containing the Earth Data Store credentials, or a dict with those credentials. asset_proxy_enabled : bool, optional Use asset proxy URLs, by default False Returns ------- None. Example -------- >>> eds = earthdaily.earthdatastore() >>> collection = "venus-l2a" >>> theia_location = "MEAD" >>> max_cloud_cover = 20 >>> query = { "theia:location": {"eq": theia_location}, "eo:cloud_cover": {"lt": max_cloud_cover} } >>> items =, query=query) >>> print(len(items)) 132 """ if not isinstance(config, dict): warnings.warn( "Using directly the Auth class to load credentials is deprecated. " "Please use earthdaily.EarthDataStore() instead", FutureWarning, ) self._client = None self.__auth_config = config self.__presign_urls = presign_urls self.__asset_proxy_enabled = asset_proxy_enabled self._first_items_ = {} self._staccollectionexplorer = {} self.__time_eds_log = time.time() self._client = self.client
[docs] @classmethod def from_credentials( cls, json_path: Optional[Path] = None, toml_path: Optional[Path] = None, profile: Optional[str] = None, presign_urls: bool = True, asset_proxy_enabled: bool = False, ) -> "Auth": """ Secondary Constructor. Try to read Earth Data Store credentials from multiple sources, in the following order: - from input credentials stored in a given JSON file - from input credentials stored in a given TOML file - from environement variables - from the $HOME/.earthdaily/credentials TOML file and a given profile - from the $HOME/.earthdaily/credentials TOML file and the "default" profile Parameters ---------- path : Path, optional The path to the TOML file containing the Earth Data Store credentials. Uses "$HOME/.earthdaily/credentials" by default. profile : profile, optional Name of the profile to use in the TOML file. Uses "default" by default. asset_proxy_enabled : bool, optional Use asset proxy URLs, by default False Returns ------- Auth A :class:`Auth` instance """ config = cls.read_credentials( json_path=json_path, toml_path=toml_path, profile=profile, ) for item, value in config.items(): if not value: raise ValueError(f"Missing value for {item}") return cls( config=config, presign_urls=presign_urls, asset_proxy_enabled=asset_proxy_enabled, )
[docs] @classmethod def read_credentials( cls, json_path: Optional[Path] = None, toml_path: Optional[Path] = None, profile: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Auth": """ Try to read Earth Data Store credentials from multiple sources, in the following order: - from input credentials stored in a given JSON file - from input credentials stored in a given TOML file - from environement variables - from the $HOME/.earthdaily/credentials TOML file and a given profile - from the $HOME/.earthdaily/credentials TOML file and the "default" profile Parameters ---------- path : Path, optional The path to the TOML file containing the Earth Data Store credentials. Uses "$HOME/.earthdaily/credentials" by default. profile : profile, optional Name of the profile to use in the TOML file. Uses "default" by default. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing credentials """ if json_path is not None: config = cls.read_credentials_from_json(json_path=json_path) elif toml_path is not None: config = cls.read_credentials_from_toml( toml_path=toml_path, profile=profile ) elif ( os.getenv("EDS_AUTH_URL") and os.getenv("EDS_SECRET") and os.getenv("EDS_CLIENT_ID") ): config = cls.read_credentials_from_environment() else: config = cls.read_credentials_from_ini() return config
[docs] @classmethod def read_credentials_from_ini(cls, profile: str = "default") -> dict: """ Read Earth Data Store credentials from a ini file. Parameters ---------- ini_path : Path The path to the INI file containing the Earth Data Store credentials. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing credentials """ from configparser import ConfigParser ini_path = Path.home() / ".earthdaily/credentials" ini_config = ConfigParser() ini_config = ini_config[profile] config = {key.upper(): value for key, value in ini_config.items()} return config
[docs] @classmethod def read_credentials_from_json(cls, json_path: Path) -> dict: """ Read Earth Data Store credentials from a JSON file. Parameters ---------- json_path : Path The path to the JSON file containing the Earth Data Store credentials. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing credentials """ if isinstance(json_path, dict): return json_path with as file_object: config = json.load(file_object) return config
[docs] @classmethod def read_credentials_from_environment(cls) -> dict: """ Read Earth Data Store credentials from environment variables. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing credentials """ config = { "EDS_AUTH_URL": os.getenv("EDS_AUTH_URL"), "EDS_SECRET": os.getenv("EDS_SECRET"), "EDS_CLIENT_ID": os.getenv("EDS_CLIENT_ID"), } # Optional if "EDS_API_URL" in os.environ: config["EDS_API_URL"] = os.getenv("EDS_API_URL") return config
[docs] @classmethod def read_credentials_from_toml( cls, toml_path: Path = None, profile: str = None ) -> dict: """ Read Earth Data Store credentials from a TOML file Parameters ---------- toml_path : Path, optional The path to the TOML file containing the Earth Data Store credentials. profile : profile, optional Name of the profile to use in the TOML file Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing credentials """ import toml if not toml_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"Credentials file {toml_path} not found. Make sure the path is valid" ) with as f: config = toml.load(f) if profile not in config: raise ValueError(f"Credentials profile {profile} not found in {toml_path}") config = config[profile] return config
[docs] def get_access_token(self, config: Optional[EarthDataStoreConfig] = None): """ Retrieve an access token for interacting with the EarthDataStore API. By default, the method will look for environment variables: EDS_AUTH_URL, EDS_SECRET, and EDS_CLIENT_ID. Alternatively, a configuration object or dictionary can be passed to override these values. Parameters ---------- config : EarthDataStoreConfig, optional A configuration object containing the Earth Data Store credentials. Returns ------- str The access token for authenticating with the Earth Data Store API. """ if not config: config = self._config_parser(self.__auth_config) response = config.auth_url, data={"grant_type": "client_credentials"}, allow_redirects=False, auth=(config.client_id, config.client_secret), ) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()["access_token"]
def _config_parser(self, config=None): """ Parse and construct the EarthDataStoreConfig object from various input formats. The method supports configuration as a dictionary, JSON file path, tuple, or environment variables. Parameters ---------- config : dict or str or tuple, optional Configuration source. It can be: - A dictionary containing the required API credentials. - A string path to a JSON file containing these credentials. - A tuple of (access_token, eds_url). - None, in which case environment variables will be used. Returns ------- EarthDataStoreConfig A configuration object containing the required API credentials. Raises ------ AttributeError If required credentials are missing in the provided input or environment variables. """ if isinstance(config, tuple): # token access_token, eds_url = config logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="Using token to reauth") return EarthDataStoreConfig(eds_url=eds_url, access_token=access_token) else: if isinstance(config, dict): config = config.get elif isinstance(config, str) and config.endswith(".json"): config = json.load(open(config, "rb")).get if config is None: config = os.getenv auth_url = config("EDS_AUTH_URL") client_secret = config("EDS_SECRET") client_id = config("EDS_CLIENT_ID") eds_url = config( "EDS_API_URL", "" ) if auth_url is None or client_secret is None or client_id is None: raise AttributeError( "You need to have env : EDS_AUTH_URL, EDS_SECRET and EDS_CLIENT_ID" ) return EarthDataStoreConfig( auth_url=auth_url, client_secret=client_secret, client_id=client_id, eds_url=eds_url, ) def _get_client(self, config=None, presign_urls=True, asset_proxy_enabled=False): """Get client for interacting with the EarthDataStore API. By default, Earth Data Store will look for environment variables called EDS_AUTH_URL, EDS_SECRET and EDS_CLIENT_ID. Parameters ---------- config : str | dict, optional A JSON string or a dictionary with the credentials for the Earth Data Store. presign_urls : bool, optional Use presigned URLs, by default True asset_proxy_enabled : bool, optional Use asset proxy URLs, by default False Returns ------- client : Client A PySTAC client for interacting with the Earth Data Store STAC API. """ config = self._config_parser(config) if config.access_token: access_token = config.access_token else: access_token = self.get_access_token(config) headers = {"Authorization": f"bearer {access_token}"} if asset_proxy_enabled: headers["X-Proxy-Asset-Urls"] = "True" elif presign_urls: headers["X-Signed-Asset-Urls"] = "True" retry = Retry( total=5, backoff_factor=1, status_forcelist=[502, 503, 504], allowed_methods=None, ) stac_api_io = StacApiIO(max_retries=retry) return, headers=headers, stac_io=stac_api_io) @property def client(self) -> Client: """ Create an instance of pystac client from EarthDataSTore Returns ------- A :class:`Client` instance for this Catalog. """ if t := (time.time() - self.__time_eds_log) > 3600 or self._client is None: if t: logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="Reauth to EarthDataStore") self._client = self._get_client( self.__auth_config, self.__presign_urls, self.__asset_proxy_enabled ) self.__time_eds_log = time.time() return self._client
[docs] def explore(self, collection: str = None): """ Explore a collection, its properties and assets. If not collection specified, returns the list of collections. Parameters ---------- collection : str, optional. Collection name. The default is None. Returns ------- str|StacCollectionExplorer The list of collections, or a collection to explore using module StacCollectionExplorer. Example -------- >>> eds = earthdaily.earthdatastore() >>> collection = "venus-l2a" >>> eds.explore(collection).item_properties {'constellation': 'VENUS', 'created': '2023-06-14T00:14:10.167450Z', 'datetime': '2023-06-07T11:23:18.000000Z', 'description': '', 'eda:geometry_tags': ['RESOLVED_CLOCKWISE_POLYGON'], 'eda:loose_validation_status': 'VALID', 'eda:num_cols': 9106, 'eda:num_rows': 11001, 'eda:original_geometry': {'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [[[-16.684545516968, 16.109294891357], [-16.344039916992, 16.111709594727], [-16.341398239136, 15.714001655579], [-16.68123626709, 15.711649894714], [-16.684545516968, 16.109294891357]]]}, 'eda:product_type': 'REFLECTANCE', 'eda:sensor_type': 'OPTICAL', 'eda:source_created': '2023-06-13T18:47:27.000000Z', 'eda:source_updated': '2023-06-13T20:22:35.000000Z', 'eda:status': 'PUBLISHED', 'eda:tracking_id': 'MutZbYe54RY7eP3iuAbtKb', 'eda:unusable_cover': 0.0, 'eda:water_cover': 0.0, 'end_datetime': '2023-06-07T11:23:18.000000Z', 'eo:bands': [{'name': 'B1', 'common_name': 'coastal', 'description': 'B1', 'center_wavelength': 0.424}, {'name': 'B2', 'common_name': 'coastal', 'description': 'B2', 'center_wavelength': 0.447}, {'name': 'B3', 'common_name': 'blue', 'description': 'B3', 'center_wavelength': 0.492}, {'name': 'B4', 'common_name': 'green', 'description': 'B4', 'center_wavelength': 0.555}, {'name': 'B5', 'common_name': 'yellow', 'description': 'B5', 'center_wavelength': 0.62}, {'name': 'B6', 'common_name': 'yellow', 'description': 'B6', 'center_wavelength': 0.62}, {'name': 'B7', 'common_name': 'red', 'description': 'B7', 'center_wavelength': 0.666}, {'name': 'B8', 'common_name': 'rededge', 'description': 'B8', 'center_wavelength': 0.702}, {'name': 'B9', 'common_name': 'rededge', 'description': 'B9', 'center_wavelength': 0.741}, {'name': 'B10', 'common_name': 'rededge', 'description': 'B10', 'center_wavelength': 0.782}, {'name': 'B11', 'common_name': 'nir08', 'description': 'B11', 'center_wavelength': 0.861}, {'name': 'B12', 'common_name': 'nir09', 'description': 'B12', 'center_wavelength': 0.909}], 'eo:cloud_cover': 0.0, 'gsd': 4.0, 'instruments': ['VENUS'], 'license': 'CC-BY-NC-4.0', 'mission': 'venus', 'platform': 'VENUS', 'processing:level': 'L2A', 'proj:epsg': 32628, 'providers': [{'name': 'Theia', 'roles': ['licensor', 'producer', 'processor']}, {'url': '', 'name': 'EarthDaily Analytics', 'roles': ['processor', 'host']}], 'sat:absolute_orbit': 31453, 'start_datetime': '2023-06-07T11:23:18.000000Z', 'theia:location': 'STLOUIS', 'theia:product_id': 'VENUS-XS_20230607-112318-000_L2A_STLOUIS_C_V3-1', 'theia:product_version': '3.1', 'theia:publication_date': '2023-06-13T18:08:10.205000Z', 'theia:sensor_mode': 'XS', 'theia:source_uuid': 'a29bfc89-8372-5e91-841c-b11cdb40bb14', 'title': 'VENUS-XS_20230607-112318-000_L2A_STLOUIS_D', 'updated': '2023-06-14T00:42:17.898993Z', 'view:azimuth': 33.293623499999995, 'view:incidence_angle': 14.6423245, 'view:sun_azimuth': 69.8849963957, 'view:sun_elevation': 65.0159541684} """ if collection: if collection not in self._staccollectionexplorer.keys(): self._staccollectionexplorer[collection] = StacCollectionExplorer( self.client, collection ) return self._staccollectionexplorer.get(collection) return sorted( for c in self.client.get_all_collections())
def _update_search_kwargs_for_ag_cloud_mask( self, search_kwargs, collections, key="eda:ag_cloud_mask_available", target_param="query", ): """Update the STAC search kwargs to only get items that have an available agricultural cloud mask. Args: search_kwargs (dict): The search kwargs to be updated. collections (str | list): The collection(s) to search. Returns: dict: The updated search kwargs. """ search_kwargs = search_kwargs.copy() # to get only items that have a ag_cloud_mask ag_query = {key: {"eq": True}} # to check if field is queryable # ============================================================================= # queryables = self.client._stac_io.request( # self.client.get_root_link().href # + f"/queryables?collections={collections[0] if isinstance(collections,list) else collections}" # ) # queryables = json.loads(queryables) # queryables = queryables["properties"] # if "eda:ag_cloud_mask_available" not in queryables.keys(): # target_param = "post_query" # else: # target_param = "query" # ============================================================================= query = search_kwargs.get("target_param", {}) query.update(ag_query) search_kwargs[target_param] = query return search_kwargs
[docs] @_datacubes def datacube( self, collections: str | list, datetime=None, assets: None | list | dict = None, intersects: (gpd.GeoDataFrame | str | dict) = None, bbox=None, mask_with: (None | str | list) = None, mask_statistics: bool | int = False, clear_cover: (int | float) = None, prefer_alternate: (str | bool) = "download", search_kwargs: dict = {}, add_default_scale_factor: bool = True, common_band_names=True, cross_calibration_collection: (None | str) = None, properties: (bool | str | list) = False, groupby_date: str = "mean", cloud_search_kwargs={}, **kwargs, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Create a datacube. Parameters ---------- collections : str | list If several collections, the first collection will be the reference collection (for spatial resolution). datetime: Either a single datetime or datetime range used to filter results. You may express a single datetime using a :class:`datetime.datetime` instance, a `RFC 3339-compliant <>`__ timestamp, or a simple date string (see below). Instances of :class:`datetime.datetime` may be either timezone aware or unaware. Timezone aware instances will be converted to a UTC timestamp before being passed to the endpoint. Timezone unaware instances are assumed to represent UTC timestamps. You may represent a datetime range using a ``"/"`` separated string as described in the spec, or a list, tuple, or iterator of 2 timestamps or datetime instances. For open-ended ranges, use either ``".."`` (``'2020-01-01:00:00:00Z/..'``, ``['2020-01-01:00:00:00Z', '..']``) or a value of ``None`` (``['2020-01-01:00:00:00Z', None]``). If using a simple date string, the datetime can be specified in ``YYYY-mm-dd`` format, optionally truncating to ``YYYY-mm`` or just ``YYYY``. Simple date strings will be expanded to include the entire time period, for example: - ``2017`` expands to ``2017-01-01T00:00:00Z/2017-12-31T23:59:59Z`` - ``2017-06`` expands to ``2017-06-01T00:00:00Z/2017-06-30T23:59:59Z`` - ``2017-06-10`` expands to ``2017-06-10T00:00:00Z/2017-06-10T23:59:59Z`` If used in a range, the end of the range expands to the end of that day/month/year, for example: - ``2017/2018`` expands to ``2017-01-01T00:00:00Z/2018-12-31T23:59:59Z`` - ``2017-06/2017-07`` expands to ``2017-06-01T00:00:00Z/2017-07-31T23:59:59Z`` - ``2017-06-10/2017-06-11`` expands to ``2017-06-10T00:00:00Z/2017-06-11T23:59:59Z`` assets : None | list | dict, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is None. intersects : (gpd.GeoDataFrame, str(wkt), dict(json)), optional DESCRIPTION. The default is None. bbox : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is None. mask_with : (None, str, list), optional "native" mask, or "ag_cloud_mask", or ["ag_cloud_mask","native"], and so if ag_cloud_mask is not available, will switch to native. The default is None. mask_statistics : bool | int, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is False. clear_cover : (int, float), optional Percent of clear data above a field (from 0 to 100). The default is None. prefer_alternate : (str, False), optional Uses the alternate/download href instead of the default href. The default is "download". search_kwargs : dict, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is {}. add_default_scale_factor : bool, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is True. common_band_names : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is True. cross_calibration_collection : (None | str), optional DESCRIPTION. The default is None. properties : (bool | str | list), optional Retrieve properties per item. The default is False. **kwargs : TYPE DESCRIPTION. : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Raises ------ ValueError DESCRIPTION. Warning DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- ds : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ # Properties (per items) are not compatible with groupby_date. if properties not in (None, False) and groupby_date is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "You must set `groupby_date=None` to have properties per item." ) # convert collections to list collections = [collections] if isinstance(collections, str) else collections # if intersects a geometry, create a GeoDataFRame if intersects is not None: intersects = cube_utils.GeometryManager(intersects).to_geopandas() self.intersects = intersects # if mask_with, need to add assets or to get mask item id if mask_with: if mask_with not in mask._available_masks: raise NotImplementedError( f"Specified mask '{mask_with}' is not available. Available masks providers are : {mask._available_masks}" ) elif mask_with in ["ag_cloud_mask", "agriculture-cloud-mask"]: search_kwargs = self._update_search_kwargs_for_ag_cloud_mask( search_kwargs, collections[0], key="eda:ag_cloud_mask_available" ) mask_with = "ag_cloud_mask" elif mask_with in [ "cloud_mask", "cloudmask", "cloud_mask_ag_version", "cloudmask_ag_version", ]: search_kwargs = self._update_search_kwargs_for_ag_cloud_mask( search_kwargs, collections[0], key="eda:cloud_mask_available", ) mask_with = "cloud_mask" else: mask_with = mask._native_mask_def_mapping.get(collections[0], None) sensor_mask = mask._native_mask_asset_mapping.get(collections[0], None) if isinstance(assets, list) and sensor_mask not in assets: assets.append(sensor_mask) elif isinstance(assets, dict): assets[sensor_mask] = sensor_mask bbox_query = None if bbox is None and intersects is not None: bbox_query = list(cube_utils.GeometryManager(intersects).to_bbox()) elif bbox is not None and intersects is None: bbox_query = bbox # query the items items = collections=collections, bbox=bbox_query, datetime=datetime, assets=assets, prefer_alternate=prefer_alternate, add_default_scale_factor=add_default_scale_factor, **search_kwargs, ) xcal_items = None if ( isinstance(cross_calibration_collection, str) and cross_calibration_collection != collections[0] ): try: xcal_items = collections="eda-cross-calibration", intersects=intersects, query={ "eda_cross_cal:source_collection": {"eq": collections[0]}, "eda_cross_cal:destination_collection": { "eq": cross_calibration_collection }, }, deduplicate_items=False, ) except Warning: raise Warning( "No cross calibration coefficient available for the specified collections." ) # Create datacube from items ds = datacube( items, intersects=intersects, bbox=bbox, assets=assets, common_band_names=common_band_names, cross_calibration_items=xcal_items, properties=properties, groupby_date=None, **kwargs, ) if intersects is not None: ds = ds.ed.clip(intersects) # Create mask datacube and apply it to ds if mask_with: if "geobox" not in kwargs: kwargs["geobox"] = ds.odc.geobox kwargs.pop("crs", "") kwargs.pop("resolution", "") kwargs["dtype"] = "int8" if clear_cover and mask_statistics is False: mask_statistics = True mask_kwargs = dict(mask_statistics=False) if mask_with == "ag_cloud_mask" or mask_with == "cloud_mask": mask_asset_mapping = { "ag_cloud_mask": {"agriculture-cloud-mask": "ag_cloud_mask"}, "cloud_mask": {"cloud-mask": "cloud_mask"}, } items_mask = self.find_cloud_mask_items( items, cloudmask=mask_with, **cloud_search_kwargs ) ds_mask = datacube( items_mask, intersects=intersects, bbox=bbox, groupby_date=None, assets=mask_asset_mapping[mask_with], **kwargs, ) ds["time"] = ds.time.astype("M8[ns]") if ds.time.size != ds_mask.time.size: raise NotImplementedError( "Sensor and cloudmask don't havethe same time.\ {ds.time.size} for sensor and {ds_mask.time.size} for cloudmask." ) ds_mask["time"] = ds["time"].time ds_mask = cube_utils._match_xy_dims(ds_mask, ds) ds = xr.merge((ds, ds_mask), compat="override") # mask_kwargs.update(ds_mask=ds_mask) else: assets_mask = { mask._native_mask_asset_mapping[ collections[0] ]: mask._native_mask_def_mapping[collections[0]] } ds_mask = datacube( items, groupby_date=None, bbox=list(cube_utils.GeometryManager(intersects).to_bbox()), assets=assets_mask, resampling=0, **kwargs, ) ds_mask = cube_utils._match_xy_dims(ds_mask, ds) if intersects is not None: ds_mask = ds_mask.ed.clip(intersects) ds = xr.merge((ds, ds_mask), compat="override") Mask = mask.Mask(ds, intersects=intersects, bbox=bbox) ds = getattr(Mask, mask_with)(**mask_kwargs) # keep only one value per pixel per day if groupby_date: ds = cube_utils._groupby_date(ds, groupby_date) # To filter by cloud_cover / clear_cover, we need to compute clear pixels as field level if clear_cover or mask_statistics: xy = ds[mask_with].isel(time=0).size null_pixels = ds[mask_with].isnull().sum(dim=("x", "y")) n_pixels_as_labels = xy - null_pixels ds = ds.assign_coords({"clear_pixels": ("time",}) ds = ds.assign_coords( { "clear_percent": ( "time", np.multiply( np.divide( ds["clear_pixels"].data, ds.attrs["usable_pixels"], ), 100, ).astype(np.int8), ) } ) ds["clear_pixels"] = ds["clear_pixels"].load() ds["clear_percent"] = ds["clear_percent"].load() if mask_with: ds = ds.drop_vars(mask_with) if clear_cover: ds = mask.filter_clear_cover(ds, clear_cover) return ds
def _update_search_for_assets(self, assets): fields = { "include": [ "id", "type", "collection", "stac_version", "stac_extensions", "collection", "geometry", "bbox", "properties", ] } fields["include"].extend([f"assets.{asset}" for asset in assets]) return fields
[docs] @parallel_search def search( self, collections: str | list, intersects: gpd.GeoDataFrame = None, bbox=None, post_query=None, prefer_alternate=None, add_default_scale_factor=False, assets=None, raise_no_items=True, batch_days="auto", n_jobs=-1, deduplicate_items=True, **kwargs, ): """ A wrapper around the pystac client search method. Add some features to enhance experience. Parameters ---------- collections : str | list Collection(s) to search. It is recommended to only search one collection at a time. intersects : gpd.GeoDataFrame, optional If provided, the results will contain only intersecting items. The default is None. bbox : TYPE, optional If provided, the results will contain only intersecting items. The default is None. post_query : TYPE, optional STAC-like filters applied on retrieved items. The default is None. prefer_alternate : TYPE, optional Prefer alternate links when available. The default is None. **kwargs : TYPE Keyword arguments passed to the pystac client search method. Returns ------- items_collection : ItemCollection The filtered STAC items. Example ------- >>> items ='sentinel-2-l2a',bbox=[1,43,1,43],datetime='2017') >>> len(items) 27 >>> print(items[0].id) S2A_31TCH_20170126_0_L2A >>> print(items[0].assets.keys()) dict_keys(['aot', 'nir', 'red', 'scl', 'wvp', 'blue', 'green', 'nir08', 'nir09', 'swir16', 'swir22', 'visual', 'aot-jp2', 'coastal', 'nir-jp2', 'red-jp2', 'scl-jp2', 'wvp-jp2', 'blue-jp2', 'rededge1', 'rededge2', 'rededge3', 'green-jp2', 'nir08-jp2', 'nir09-jp2', 'thumbnail', 'swir16-jp2', 'swir22-jp2', 'visual-jp2', 'coastal-jp2', 'rededge1-jp2', 'rededge2-jp2', 'rededge3-jp2', 'granule_metadata', 'tileinfo_metadata']) >>> print(items[0].properties) { "created": "2020-09-01T04:59:33.629000Z", "updated": "2022-11-08T13:08:57.661605Z", "platform": "sentinel-2a", "grid:code": "MGRS-31TCH", "proj:epsg": 32631, "instruments": ["msi"], "s2:sequence": "0", "constellation": "sentinel-2", "mgrs:utm_zone": 31, "s2:granule_id": "S2A_OPER_MSI_L2A_TL_SHIT_20190506T054613_A008342_T31TCH_N00.01", "eo:cloud_cover": 26.518754, "s2:datatake_id": "GS2A_20170126T105321_008342_N00.01", "s2:product_uri": "S2A_MSIL2A_20170126T105321_N0001_R051_T31TCH_20190506T054611.SAFE", "s2:datastrip_id": "S2A_OPER_MSI_L2A_DS_SHIT_20190506T054613_S20170126T105612_N00.01", "s2:product_type": "S2MSI2A", "mgrs:grid_square": "CH", "s2:datatake_type": "INS-NOBS", "view:sun_azimuth": 161.807489888479, "eda:geometry_tags": ["RESOLVED_CLOCKWISE_POLYGON"], "mgrs:latitude_band": "T", "s2:generation_time": "2019-05-06T05:46:11.879Z", "view:sun_elevation": 26.561907592092602, "earthsearch:s3_path": "s3://sentinel-cogs/sentinel-s2-l2a-cogs/31/T/CH/2017/1/S2A_31TCH_20170126_0_L2A", "processing:software": {"sentinel2-to-stac": "0.1.0"}, "s2:water_percentage": 0.697285, "eda:original_geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [0.5332306381710475, 43.32623760511659], [1.887065663431107, 43.347431265475954], [1.9046784554725638, 42.35884880571144], [0.5722310999779479, 42.3383710796791], [0.5332306381710475, 43.32623760511659], ] ], }, "earthsearch:payload_id": "roda-sentinel2/workflow-sentinel2-to-stac/80f56ba6349cf8e21c1424491f1589c2", "s2:processing_baseline": "00.01", "s2:snow_ice_percentage": 23.041981, "s2:vegetation_percentage": 15.52531, "s2:thin_cirrus_percentage": 0.563798, "s2:cloud_shadow_percentage": 4.039595, "s2:nodata_pixel_percentage": 0.000723, "s2:unclassified_percentage": 9.891956, "s2:dark_features_percentage": 15.112966, "s2:not_vegetated_percentage": 5.172154, "earthsearch:boa_offset_applied": False, "s2:degraded_msi_data_percentage": 0.0, "s2:high_proba_clouds_percentage": 18.044451, "s2:reflectance_conversion_factor": 1.03230935243016, "s2:medium_proba_clouds_percentage": 7.910506, "s2:saturated_defective_pixel_percentage": 0.0, "eda:tracking_id": "eZbRVxsbEGdWLKXDK2i9Ve", "eda:status": "PUBLISHED", "datetime": "2017-01-26T10:56:12.238000Z", "eda:loose_validation_status": "VALID", "eda:ag_cloud_mask_available": False, } """ # Find available assets for a collection # And query only these assets to avoid requesting unused data if isinstance(collections, str): collections = [collections] if assets is not None: assets = list( asset_mapper.AssetMapper() .map_collection_assets(collections[0], assets) .keys() ) kwargs["fields"] = self._update_search_for_assets(assets) if bbox is None and intersects is not None: intersects = cube_utils.GeometryManager(intersects).to_intersects( crs="4326" ) if bbox is not None and intersects is not None: bbox = None items_collection = collections=collections, bbox=bbox, intersects=intersects, sortby="properties.datetime", **kwargs, ) # Downloading the items items_collection = items_collection.item_collection() # prefer_alternate means to prefer alternate url (to replace default href) if any((prefer_alternate, add_default_scale_factor)): items_collection = enhance_assets( items_collection.clone(), alternate=prefer_alternate, add_default_scale_factor=add_default_scale_factor, ) if post_query: items_collection = post_query_items(items_collection, post_query) if len(items_collection) == 0 and raise_no_items: raise NoItemsFoundError("No items found.") if deduplicate_items: from ._filter_duplicate import filter_duplicate_items items_collection = filter_duplicate_items(items_collection) return items_collection
[docs] def find_cloud_mask_items( self, items_collection, cloudmask="ag_cloud_mask", **kwargs ): """ Search the catalog for the ag_cloud_mask items matching the given items_collection. The ag_cloud_mask items are searched in the `ag_cloud_mask_collection_id` collection using the `ag_cloud_mask_item_id` properties of the items. Parameters ---------- items_collection : pystac.ItemCollection The items to find corresponding ag cloud mask items for. Returns ------- pystac.ItemCollection The filtered item collection. """ def ag_cloud_mask_from_items(items): products = {} for item in items: if not"eda:{cloudmask}_available"): continue collection =[f"eda:{cloudmask}_collection_id"] if products.get(collection, None) is None: products[collection] = [] products[collection].append("eda:{cloudmask}_item_id") ) return products items_id = ag_cloud_mask_from_items(items_collection) if len(items_id) == 0: raise ValueError("Sorry, no ag_cloud_mask available.") collections = list(items_id.keys()) ids_ = [x for n in (items_id.values()) for x in n] items_list = [] step = 100 kwargs.setdefault("prefer_alternate", "download") for items_start_idx in range(0, len(ids_), step): items = collections=collections, ids=ids_[items_start_idx : items_start_idx + step], limit=step, deduplicate_items=False, **kwargs, ) items_list.extend(list(items)) return ItemCollection(items_list)