Source code for earthdaily.earthdatastore.parallel_search

from functools import wraps
from typing import Callable, TypeVar, Any, Optional, Union, Tuple, List

from datetime import datetime
from itertools import chain
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import logging
import time
import numpy as np
from pystac.item_collection import ItemCollection
import pandas as pd
from pandas import Timestamp, Timedelta, DatetimeIndex
from pystac_client.item_search import ItemSearch

T = TypeVar("T")

DatetimeRange = Tuple[Union[datetime, Timestamp], Union[datetime, Timestamp]]
DateRangeList = List[DatetimeRange]

[docs] class NoItemsFoundError(Exception): """Exception raised when no items are found during search operation. This exception is raised when a parallel search operation yields no results, indicating that the search criteria did not match any items in the dataset. """ pass
[docs] def datetime_to_str(dt_range: DatetimeRange) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Convert a datetime range to a tuple of formatted strings. Parameters ---------- dt_range : tuple of (datetime or Timestamp) A tuple containing start and end datetimes to be converted. Returns ------- tuple of str A tuple containing two strings representing the formatted start and end dates. Notes ----- This function relies on ItemSearch._format_datetime internally to perform the actual formatting. The returned strings are split from a forward-slash separated string format. Examples -------- >>> start = pd.Timestamp('2023-01-01') >>> end = pd.Timestamp('2023-12-31') >>> datetime_to_str((start, end)) ('2023-01-01', '2023-12-31') """ formatted = ItemSearch(url=None)._format_datetime(dt_range) start, end = formatted.split("/") return start, end
[docs] def datetime_split( dt_range: DatetimeRange, freq: Union[str, int, Timedelta] = "auto", n_jobs: int = 10 ) -> Union[DatetimeRange, Tuple[DateRangeList, Timedelta]]: """Split a datetime range into smaller chunks based on specified frequency. Parameters ---------- dt_range : tuple of (datetime or Timestamp) A tuple containing the start and end datetimes to split. freq : str or int or Timedelta, default="auto" The frequency to use for splitting the datetime range. If "auto", frequency is calculated based on the total date range: It increases by 5 days for every 6 months in the range. If int, interpreted as number of days. If Timedelta, used directly as the splitting frequency. n_jobs : int, default=10 Number of jobs for parallel processing (currently unused in the function but maintained for API compatibility). Returns ------- Union[DatetimeRange, tuple[list[DatetimeRange], Timedelta]] If the date range is smaller than the frequency: Returns the original datetime range tuple. Otherwise: Returns a tuple containing: - List of datetime range tuples split by the frequency - The Timedelta frequency used for splitting Notes ----- The automatic frequency calculation uses the formula: freq = total_days // (5 + 5 * (total_days // 183)) This ensures that the frequency increases by 5 days for every 6-month period in the total date range. Examples -------- >>> start = pd.Timestamp('2023-01-01') >>> end = pd.Timestamp('2023-12-31') >>> splits, freq = datetime_split((start, end)) >>> len(splits) # Number of chunks 12 >>> # Using fixed frequency >>> splits, freq = datetime_split((start, end), freq=30) # 30 days >>> freq Timedelta('30 days') """ # Convert input dates to pandas Timestamps start, end = [pd.Timestamp(date) for date in datetime_to_str(dt_range)] date_diff = end - start # Calculate or convert frequency if freq == "auto": # Calculate automatic frequency, 1 process per month freq = Timedelta(days=np.ceil(date_diff.days / 30) * 31) elif isinstance(freq, (int, str)): freq = Timedelta(days=int(freq)) elif not isinstance(freq, Timedelta): raise TypeError("freq must be 'auto', int, or Timedelta") # Return original range if smaller than frequency if date_diff.days < freq.days or freq.days <= 1: return dt_range, freq # Generate date ranges date_ranges = [ (chunk, min(chunk + freq, end)) for chunk in pd.date_range(start, end, freq=freq)[:-1] ] return date_ranges, freq
def _should_run_parallel( dt_range: Optional[tuple[datetime, datetime]], batch_days: Any, n_jobs: int ) -> bool: """Check if parallel execution should be used based on input parameters. Parameters ---------- dt_range : tuple of datetime or None The start and end datetime for the search range batch_days : int or "auto" or None Number of days per batch for splitting the datetime range n_jobs : int Number of parallel jobs requested Returns ------- bool True if parallel execution should be used, False otherwise Notes ----- Parallel execution is used when all of the following conditions are met: - dt_range is provided and not None - batch_days is not None - n_jobs > 1 - Either multiple date ranges exist or the total days exceed batch_days """ # Check for basic conditions that prevent parallel execution if not dt_range or batch_days is None or (n_jobs <= 1 and n_jobs >= 0): return False # Split the datetime range date_ranges, freq = datetime_split(dt_range, batch_days) # if str, means single date if isinstance(date_ranges, str) or date_ranges == dt_range: return False # Check if splitting provides meaningful parallelization delta_days = (date_ranges[-1][-1] - date_ranges[0][0]).days return len(date_ranges) > 1 or delta_days > batch_days def _run_parallel_search( func: Callable, args: tuple, kwargs: dict, dt_range: tuple[datetime, datetime], batch_days: Any, ) -> T: """Execute the search function in parallel across datetime batches. Parameters ---------- func : callable The search function to be executed in parallel args : tuple Positional arguments to pass to the search function kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to pass to the search function dt_range : tuple of datetime The start and end datetime for the search range batch_days : int or "auto" Number of days per batch for splitting the datetime range Returns ------- T Combined results from all parallel executions Raises ------ NoItemsFoundError If no items are found across all parallel executions Notes ----- This function: 1. Splits the datetime range into batches 2. Configures parallel execution parameters 3. Runs the search function in parallel using joblib 4. Combines results from all parallel executions The maximum number of parallel jobs is capped at 10, and -1 is converted to 10. """ date_ranges, freq = datetime_split(dt_range, batch_days) f"Search parallel with {kwargs['n_jobs']} jobs, split every {freq.days} days." ) # Prepare kwargs for parallel execution parallel_kwargs = kwargs.copy() parallel_kwargs.pop("datetime") parallel_kwargs["raise_no_items"] = False # Handle n_jobs special case: -1 should become 10 n_jobs = parallel_kwargs.get("n_jobs", 10) parallel_kwargs["n_jobs"] = 10 if (n_jobs == -1 or n_jobs > 10) else n_jobs # Execute parallel search results = Parallel(n_jobs=parallel_kwargs["n_jobs"], backend="threading")( delayed(func)(*args, datetime=dt, **parallel_kwargs) for dt in date_ranges ) # Combine results items = ItemCollection(chain(*results)) if not items: raise NoItemsFoundError("No items found in parallel search") return items