Get analytics on the map

The following sections will guide you through the steps to add layers in ArcGIS pro map view. Please be sure to have the plugin panel visible.

Select Polygon(s)

GEOSYS® Platform offers polygon-based maps creation capabilities. You need to have in your layer tree at least one polygon layer loaded.

Within this layer, you can if needed define a selection using QGIS object selection tools.

On the “Geosys plugin – Coverage parameter” panel, you will be able to select the layer containing polygons you want to extract maps for. By default, the first layer in view will be selected. The drop down list will contain only polygon layers in view.

The “Selected feature only” allows you to get maps only on selected object of the layer define above.

The “Bulk request” option allows you to send all geometries (of the layer or the selection based on previous option status) as one single API request. When this option is not checked the tool will send one request per polygon.

The map type selection allows you to select the type of content you are interesting to get. The following options are available:

  • Color Composition will return either a true or false color map (depending on bands available) on an expanded bounding box of the polygons.
  • Elevation will return elevation map clipped on the polygon.
  • In season CVI will return CVI vegetation index map clipped on the polygon.
  • In season CVIN will return CVI normalize vegetation index map clipped on the polygon.
  • In season EVI will return EVI vegetation index map clipped on the polygon
  • In season LAI will return in-season LAI Index. It is used as an indicator of the amount of leaf material.
  • In season GNDVI will return GNDVI vegetation index map clipped on the polygon
  • In season NDVI will return NDVI vegetation index map clipped on the polygon
  • In season S2REPwill return S2REP Index. Generates a map according to the amount of chlorophyll content per unit of leaf (LCC).
  • In season average LAI will return the variable-rate application map based on LAI map to better inform input placement.
  • In season average NDVI will return the variable-rate application map based on NDVI map to better inform input placement.
  • In season average reverse LAIwill return the variable-rate application reverse map based on LAI map to better inform input placement.
  • In season average reverse NDVI will return the variable-rate application reverse map based on LAI map to better inform input placement.
  • In season partial NDVI that will return NDVI vegetation index map clipped on the polygon and only covering a portion of the field
  • In season partial EVI will return EVI vegetation index map clipped on the polygon and only covering a portion of the field
  • OM will return an organic matter map clipped on the polygon based on user inputs
  • Reflectance will return Reflectance map at Top of Canopy for Sentinel 2 and Lansat-8 and 9
  • SAMZ will return a management zones map clipped on the polygon based on user image selection (optional, in this the system will select 5 most relevant images)
  • YGM will return yield goal map clipped on the polygon based on user inputs
  • YPM will return yield variability map clipped on the polygon based on user inputs
  • SOILMAPwill return in-season Soil map. Can be generate only in the USA, contains information about soil as collected by the National Cooperative Soil Survey.

It is also possible to filter by sensor used to acquire data, for example if user wants only Sentinel data. The following options are available:

  • DEIMOS-1 - Commercial data at 22 m ground resolution with an approximate 2-day revisit (combined).
  • ALSAT-1B – Algeria Satellite -1B with a spatial resolution at 24 m ground resolution, up to 3 days of revisit.
  • GAOFEN-1 and GAOFEN -6, have respectively a ground resolution equal to 16 meters with a revisited equal to 4 days.
  • CBERS-4 (MUXCam) - The China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite Program with 20 meters spatial resolution and a revisit capacity of 26 days. Images are available only in Brazil via the Geosys virtual constellation.
  • LANDSAT_8 and LANDSAT_9 - Providing moderate-resolution imagery at 30 meters resampled to 15 meters by Geosys. Revisiting every 16 days.
  • RESOURCESAT2 - The Linear Imaging Self-Scanning Sensor (LISS-III) with 23.5-meter spatial resolution LISS-IV Camera with 5.8-meter spatial resolution. Revisiting every 24 days.
  • SENTINEL_2 - Spatial resolution of 10 m. Revisiting every 5 days under the same viewing angles. Multi-spectral data with 13 bands in the visible, near infrared, and short-wave infrared part of the spectrum.

The last parameters are the start and end date for imagery selection. It allows you to select the date range for image selection. This is important to limit the size of the response.

When all search parameters are defined, you can hit the “Search map” button

After hitting the “Search map” button, the plugin will call platform for each polygon (layer or selection) to check images available: this is what is called the Coverage of the polygon.

If the button "Next"</Strong> is disabled it might be because the coordinate system on the selected layer is not defined. It's important to check that before hitting the "Search map".

While fetching data the panel will look as below:

Get list of available images (Catalog)

Once all data has been retrieved the plugin panel will display a list of coverage data for each selected field as below

For each coverage items the following information is available:

  • Map thumbnail on the left
  • Field ID of the polygon on Geosys Platform
  • Acquisition date
  • Sensor type

It is possible to select one or multiple items on the coverage panel, they will appear in blue.

The button “Back” allows you to come back to the coverage parameter.

The button “Next” allows you to go back to the map extraction panel

Get Maps

The “Get Map” panel offers the oppurtunity to set map creation parameters and map extraction parameters

Map creation parameters are:

  • Yield average for yield variability map creation
  • Yield average, min and max for yield goal map creation
  • Organic matter average for OM map creation
  • Number of zones for SaMZ map creation, for HotSpot creation
  • Gain and Offset option for nitrogen map creation

GEOSYS® platform provides the following data extraction format:

  • For map as raster dataset
    • PNG with word file
    • GeoTiff
  • For map as vector dataset
    • Esri shapefile
    • KMZ

By clicking on the “Create Map” button, data extraction and loading on the map will start. It is important to keep in mind that data will be exported in the folder, before being loaded on the map: this means that they will be available offline.

Here is an example of maps loaded on the map view:

The plugin can provide you, as an option, the Hotspots of your field. When hitting the “Fetch Hotspots” button, you will have two options:

  • Recover the hotspots by polygon

Here is an example of maps loaded on the map view with the first hotspot option, one spot per polygon:

  • Recover the hotspots for each polygon part Here is an example of maps loaded on the map view with the second hotspot option, one spot for each polygon:

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