Processing toolbox
The GEOSYS® Plugin for QGIS offers workflow automation opportunities through the integration with the QGIS processing toolbox.
To access GEOSYS® Field Level map function, please go to “Processing – Toolbox”.
The following screen will appear (usually docked on the right side).
The processing toolbox includes a GEOSYS®section in the main tree view with a function “Get field level map”
The processing functions are using the configuration defined in the plugin options.
Field Level Map Function
The screen allows to configure the processing algorithm with:
- The vector input file containing polygon objects.
- The image date: the tool will select the closest image of selected date.
- The map type.
- A sensor filter allowing you to request maps from specific sensor. Default value is “All sensors”.
- The output layer location if you want to extract file on a specific folder.
- Option to add output layer on the map.
By hitting the “Run” button the processing will start fetching data.
If several vector files have to be processed as a batch, the button “Run as Batch Process…” will allow user to configure a multi file processing batch.
It is important to kwon that all polygons from the vector layer will be processed as a bulk request (all geometry aggregated as one request). If you want to have one output per polygon, you need to split your input layer as several layers containing one object and then run a batch processing.
Graphic Modeler
Processing functions are also available in the Graphical Modeler allowing user to build complex data workflow and repeat execution.
To access Graphical Modeler, please got to “Processing – Graphical modeler”
The following screen will appear.
Additional Information
For any additional information, please contact our support team
The following link might provide interesting information:
- for general information on our service portfolio
- new constellation